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Monday, February 18, 2019

Every TED Talk Ever

The amazing story of a founder who with no experience but grit, determination, financial security, and a healthy sense of hustle, raised $60 million to solve the biggest problem she could find.


Once you've watched it, read the reaction the author got to the performance in this LinkedIn post.

Exactly 7 days before the October TEDx event in Oakland, the event organizer put out a call to Bay Area comedians to perform a 7-minute set at TEDx that weekend.

Instead, I pitched him a character I’d been working on: a Frankenperson cobbled together from the stories of every out-of-touch startup founder and thought leader cliche I’d seen during my time in the tech industry -- complete with brightly-colored blazer.

He agreed. Though, in hindsight, I don’t think he knew what he was signing on for.

Big round of applause for Lindsey Quinn here. For more parodies of TED talks watch this:

Or the most ridiculous parody of them all:


  1. I posted the fake TED talk online, but no one got it!
    not sure what this says...

  2. The Onion used to do TED talk parodies a long time ago. This is probably the most relevant one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkGMY63FF3Q

  3. 2:41 - "But these people are also hindered sometimes BECAUSE they know too much."
    6:50 - "So how does a Paleobiology major at Penn learn how to convert ultrasound into electricity? Well, I literally just Googled it!"
    13:51 - "Being naive is sometimes a good thing."
    14:24 - "It's going to work, and it's going to be awesome, and I can't wait to give the middle finger and smile at all the engineers that criticized the crap out of me!"

    Priceless. Well, actually, a little over $23M....

  4. There's this company named Incomm, and its job listings are like ... well, you can literally just ...
