Sunday, June 3, 2018

Wireless Power Consortium: Aristides Capital on Energous - Still Not Looking Good

Earlier today Christopher Brown of Aristides Capital gave a presentation on "The Six Billion Dollar Watt: Promise and Problems of Wireless Charging 2.0" at the Wireless Power Consortium meeting in Quebec. He continues to focus on Energous and his opinion of them has not improved since last time. You can find the WPC page here with direct download here and a simple PDF of it here. It's similar to, but updated from, a talk he gave a few weeks ago at a short selling conference that can be seen here. Here's one of my favorite slides from it, highlighting the "Time to Carrot" where Energous have been pushing out product delivery to around 18 months away for four years.

I'm hoping that the Wireless Power industry is finally getting its act together and realizing that if one large well publicized company generates bad press, it's terrible for them all. If the overall industry speaks together to denounce what Brown straight out calls "fraud", then the mainstream media and large investors may finally take notice and give Energous and the like the coverage and treatment they deserve.

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