Monday, April 18, 2016

Schrödinger's CEO

Schrödinger's CEO
[shroh:ding:erz siːiːˈəʊ]

A CEO who is apparently both simultaneously a genius inventor of a technology and single handedly responsible for building a business based upon it, yet also completely unaware and has no knowledge of major technological, safety, and business flaws in her company despite it being common knowledge to lay members of the public for years. See Elizabeth Holmes ...


  1. You have a big problem with her don't you?

  2. He's a science guy. Science guys respect science, and will almost always play nice and share their toys with other guys and gals who also similarly science. What nobody has any time for are charlatans and snake oil vendors - they go in the naughty corner. Thank you Paul Reynolds for putting this blog out there. Appreciate your backbone and zeal for what is factual; You Sir, are a scientist.

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